Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Are you infected?

Are you infected?

7 root sins in the human heart are : Pride(self righteousness,beauty,education,wealth,family background), Covetousness(for wealth,name,fame), Lust, Envy, Gluttony(i.e.,indulgence of the flesh), Anger and Sloth- Romans 7:24

Friday, 23 March 2012

I Spy

This blog i am writing on befalf of my readers to make them realise something, as if it is their own testimony.

I confess that i know myself. My sins are always before me. i am not confused about my inner being. i know i am proud,liar,disobedient, greedy for power and money. i know how much i hate or love myself,others and God. i am a pretender. My 'Me' is different than 'Myself '.My myself is hidden from others but my me is visible to everybody. None knows my thoughts, my desires which i cherish in my mind and heart, only God knows. Some times these thoughts and desires are even unknown to me. They make me surprise when they come out. I long to do good, control my behaviour but sometimes i fail, unable to perform anything unselfishly good. Meseems i have dual personalities which are contradictory to each other. As if there are hidden chambers deep dpwn in my heart which are full of unrighteousness. i am defeated by the attractive evils of this world. i want to get rid of them but cant. Why i am like this? Which one is my true identity? Am i good or a bad person? i think something but work differently. i do something which i never thought of doing.i speak something which i never planed to speak. i want to show myself righteous which i am not! i show that i love and forgive everybody but in fact not true. i say long prayers, give good advices to others but behind closed doors i watch pornos. i donate to buy good name for myself. i sing devotionals but plan to murder people with my words. i dont practice what i think are good. Will you still love me?-some one asked. Well, God still loves me. Devil  hates me for my truthfulness. I care a fig for the devil.

Can u identify yourself with me? If you can, you are a truthful person, pure in heart.

Listen to the sound of silence

There are too many distractions in todays world: too much movements,restlessness,too much sounds,talking,too much travelling.Too much wastage of time in bussiness.Too much entertainments,too much crowd except the hospitals perhaps.If you cant take yourself away from these you cant evaluate your own self.
Even the intellectuals dont know the beauty of silence,solitude,rest,stillness.They dont have time to be alone.These are difficult situations to find,understand & feel, but very vital for our body,mind & spirit.
In silence you are able to read your own state of mind,weigh your heart,in solitude you can detect your own conscience,in stillness you can know God also exists.
Spend some time in solitude.There is no wisdom like silence.Listen to the sound of silence. silence makes you wise.