Ramakrishna teaches 2 annihilate our mind in order 2 grasp d god entity or 2 bcome one with god- Kathamrita 3/78,82.
Practically its impossible. Man is a tripartite being consisting : body,soul(mind) & spirit. One cant separate d soul 4m d spirit. Man is never devoid of mind 4 a fraction of a second. Its always working even in sleep d subconcious mind is at work & in coma also. according 2 RK how in samadhi ones mind can b devoid ?
what is samadhi by d way? Can it b defind by medical science ? In my opinion there is no such thing as samadhi. RK was suffering 4m a disease called Epilepsy, Schizophrenia, a mental disorder. Dr. Mahendralal Sirkar often used 2 come 4 His treatment. Read RK Lilaprosongo-II vlo.
This same RK said many contradictory things regarding d 'mind'. he said, " it is needed 2 worship god with body, mind & speech"- Katha 3/110,111. How strange ! Read more, 4 contradictions- Katha 3/193, 216,246.
My problem is I want 2 b 1 with god. I read RK,Vivekananda & whole lot of Hindu scriptures, medical science & other religious books. Hinduism confuses me d most. Can u help?
2 b continued