Saturday, 28 January 2012

Annihilation or Nivana

According 2 Hindu religious belief there r 84 cycles of rebirth. According 2 Hinduism d spirit of man is immortal. There r above 33crores gods. There r many devout Hindus. They really r pious. Their believe in d existence of the Paramatma is true. But still they dont achieve moksha. They still remain in the
fake belief of rebirth. Why cant their gods r not pleased with them? Why dont d gods allow them 2 attain moksha? I m confised.
Hinduism derived 4m Buddhisim. Buddha never spoke anything about god or Paramatma. So we take it 4 granted that Buddhisim is nothing but atheisim. If Buddha never itoduced god where did d conception of god come 4m in Hinduism?
After Buddha came Jesus. Jesus introduced God d Creator. My question is, did Judaism introduce god in Hinduism? Coz, there is no god concept in Vedas. Brahma came in Upanishada. Still in Upanishada there is no god. Vivekananda wrote, Brahma & God r different entity. How come in Puranas god appeared 4m nowhere?


1 comment:

  1. Couple of comments. It'd be better if the blog is articulated in written English instead of twitter-specific shorthand. A thought needs to morph into a legitimate core consciousness, and that is best approached via a language. Secondly, if the focus is on agnosticism or atheism, it should stand clear to any reference to anything else except its own logical structure - What Buddha did, or What Vivekananda said are mot points when one needs to develop something organically. And to be organic, to be alive, one has to be independent and original.
