Friday 27 April 2012

What is Truth?

                                                  WHAT IS TRUTH ?

Truth is eternal, we cant destroy it with untruths or lies. Truth is one, and people dont know that truth is a person. Pilot asked Jesus, 'What is truth?'-John 18:38. But Pilot did not have time and mind to listen to the answere from Jesus. Though he recognized the truth and declared Jesus innocent, but rejected the truth, failed to heed it, because he was a Roman Governer. He did not want to be an eyesore to Caesar and lose his position. Pilot was under the pressure of an angry mob.
Jesus is the only one who said,"I am the truth".-John 14:6. He also said to His disciples,"You will know the Truth and The Truth will make you free".-John 16:13. He said, "I came to bring truth to the world. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true."-John 18:37.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Are you infected?

Are you infected?

7 root sins in the human heart are : Pride(self righteousness,beauty,education,wealth,family background), Covetousness(for wealth,name,fame), Lust, Envy, Gluttony(i.e.,indulgence of the flesh), Anger and Sloth- Romans 7:24

Friday 23 March 2012

I Spy

This blog i am writing on befalf of my readers to make them realise something, as if it is their own testimony.

I confess that i know myself. My sins are always before me. i am not confused about my inner being. i know i am proud,liar,disobedient, greedy for power and money. i know how much i hate or love myself,others and God. i am a pretender. My 'Me' is different than 'Myself '.My myself is hidden from others but my me is visible to everybody. None knows my thoughts, my desires which i cherish in my mind and heart, only God knows. Some times these thoughts and desires are even unknown to me. They make me surprise when they come out. I long to do good, control my behaviour but sometimes i fail, unable to perform anything unselfishly good. Meseems i have dual personalities which are contradictory to each other. As if there are hidden chambers deep dpwn in my heart which are full of unrighteousness. i am defeated by the attractive evils of this world. i want to get rid of them but cant. Why i am like this? Which one is my true identity? Am i good or a bad person? i think something but work differently. i do something which i never thought of doing.i speak something which i never planed to speak. i want to show myself righteous which i am not! i show that i love and forgive everybody but in fact not true. i say long prayers, give good advices to others but behind closed doors i watch pornos. i donate to buy good name for myself. i sing devotionals but plan to murder people with my words. i dont practice what i think are good. Will you still love me?-some one asked. Well, God still loves me. Devil  hates me for my truthfulness. I care a fig for the devil.

Can u identify yourself with me? If you can, you are a truthful person, pure in heart.

Listen to the sound of silence

There are too many distractions in todays world: too much movements,restlessness,too much sounds,talking,too much travelling.Too much wastage of time in bussiness.Too much entertainments,too much crowd except the hospitals perhaps.If you cant take yourself away from these you cant evaluate your own self.
Even the intellectuals dont know the beauty of silence,solitude,rest,stillness.They dont have time to be alone.These are difficult situations to find,understand & feel, but very vital for our body,mind & spirit.
In silence you are able to read your own state of mind,weigh your heart,in solitude you can detect your own conscience,in stillness you can know God also exists.
Spend some time in solitude.There is no wisdom like silence.Listen to the sound of silence. silence makes you wise.

Thursday 23 February 2012

A Friend Who Bleeds

A friend who bleeds for me is a friend indeed. As Lord Jesus bled for the sinners of the entire world. He was crusified and bled for me too to make me clean from all my sins.

Tuesday 21 February 2012


To me prayer is not a choice. Does not depend on my whims. It is as natural as breathing. Its my LOG IN, a daily yoga+exercise, talking to my DADDY, my heavenly, CREATOR FATHER. Spending time on His lap. He hugs and kisses me. Sometimes its a joy unspeakable, sometimes a cry and when i pant He tells me lovingly how much He loves me. Then i giggle and hold Him tight. Prayer - talking to my PAPA is an eternal thirst which is never satisfied. My affection, my prayer (talking to Him) does not need a particular time and place. He is always attentive because He is a LIVING GOD, the FATHER. His real heart, real ears are never closed. He is never busy that He does not have a time to listen to any of His child's prayer. i can enter any time at His presence. His gate is never closed for anybody. He never says, He is busy. i call on Him and He answeres, "Yes my child, speak, I am waiting for u to talk with me. Speak I am listening". My PAPA never slumbers nor sleeps. He is not a human that He will feel tired. i dont have to make myself pure. Fact of the matter is i can not make myself pure at all to present myself before Him or make Him work for me. He is the LORD of ALL CREATION. He is the ruler.
When there is just two of us, my prayer is private, only for His ears, most of the time i talk to Him with open eyes during my work and walk, does not need any utterance. My Speechless prayer is a beautiful song unsung, unheard. It does not make any vibration or creat any wave. Its just from my spirit to His Spirit. Its reciprocal. i am able to listen to Him.
My prayer is an elixir to my own body, soul and spirit. When in the morning i pray, before the world's hustle and bustle its like the first light of the dawn, with new energy, new mercy, new joy, with full of hope. because i know He is always awake and attentive to my prayer. Because He has Promised that He will listen. Even He has promised that He will even answere before i call Him. WOW!! what a FATHER i have. My morning prayer is like the first rain which we all enjoy.
In the middle of the day when i pray its like a coffee break. When i say "AMEN", i feel like i am born again spiritually, mentally and physically and say,"AAAAH" !!
At the end of the day after the day's hard work when i give Him thanks for everything good and bad, it sooths my soul, i feel like scoring a bullseye, as if a star is added to my repord card. Time of prayer, may it be an hour or a minute, talking to my DADDY is so sweet, i cant explain !
When i pray aloud in public with closed eyes, i really struggle !!!!!!!  Oh!!!!!!! Then i feel like an eagle soaring high against a tornado. The tornado pushes and lifts me more high, almost a feeling that i am under His wings, covered with His strong power overpowering me. i feel like closing my ears tight as i dont want to hear who is uttering what. But instead i lift my hands up for help. Because in my spirit i sense many unfamilier spirits trying to hold my tongue in order to stop my uttered prayer. Later part of my prayer is louder than the first part. Try to seek His face, try to catch hold of His feet. Believe me help comes instantly. But i know for sure that my public prayer is like a room freshner. Like a tremor in d congregation, a restlessness among them. i know in my spirit that God has enabled me to take the people into a higher spiritual realm. i pull them behind me like a tow away zone. Its like an unseen bridge joining the two poles - North and South.
My prayer is a single-handed social work. An ether net.
My own unuttered prayer is also like a mirror to me, showing me my ugliness, my hidden weaknesses. i come to know myself. i ask for forgiveness. My FATHER forgives me instantly and fills me with inner strength. It makes me a victor against my enemies. My private prayer is a skill rewarded by THE HIGHEST AUTHORITY who declares me a winner.
Karobi Sweet.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Face Adversities boldly

Life is full of ups and downs: failure, rejection, frustration,loss, gain,guilt, repentance love, joy, success, blessings, sorrow, disease, death.......these are the realities, adventures,experiences, the stepping stones of life. We cant avoid these phases.They help us become more perfect human beings.
We love to show and share our happiness but try to hide the opposite feelings, deny them, lie about them, try to run away from them, try to supress them ignor them. Pretend that I am not hurt and pretend that I have forgiven u but hold grudge against u. Fight shy to share them with even our trusted friend.
Dont have this ESCAPIST mentality. Fight the battle of life boldly. You have that capacity in you. It is God -given strength to face adversities.
Cry when you are hurt. Laugh when happy. Get angry when evil prevails but dont commit sin when angry. Gulp your anger and forgive who offends you.
No battle no winning no right humanism.
We give bravery awards to others. encourage them but how brave are we to face harsh realities of life?
Its very good to occasionally retreating 5/6 days from hard works.
Take a little rest or renew ur inner strength. Entertain urself with good shows, games, open air, trips talk to a good friend or just go to sleep. But dont make retreatism a regular practice. U will never win in life. You will be called lazy, coward, unsocial.
When we escape from realities we have a tendency to adopt sinful activities: become addicted, violent, disobedient, abusive, choose bad company, go to wrong places, share our negative feelings with wrong people and they in return guide us wrongly, exploit us. Situation becomes more pathetic.
When we cant fight the battle of life's unavoidable situation we commit suicide and spoil many life along with ours.
In this case what will you do? How will you get urself rid of this?
Call upon the real Living God. Seek His help. Put your trust in Him. He is faithful and just. He created this universe out of chaos, made it orderly. He will do the same for you.
Get to know HIM.